Monday, August 27, 2018

Tips & Tricks: Making it Simple for Class II & Class III Treatment


Inviting everyone to the upcoming lecture of Genius Bracestorm entitled Tips & Tricks: Making it Simple for Class II & Class III Treatment 
by Emeric Augeraud, DDS, MS
Clinical Instructor, University of Paris, France and
Tel-Aviv University, Israel

November 18, 2018 - Pan Pacific Hotel Manila

Registration is FREE when you avail two sets of Genius self ligating brackets.

Each set has the following:

Genius Metal self-ligating brackets with 4 pcs self-ligating buccal tubes, with 6 pcs of wires:
2pcs 0.014 Thermal Ultra Niti,
2pcs 0.014x0.025 Thermal Ultra Niti and
2pcs 0.018x.025 Thermal Ultra Niti.
5 months terms

If seminar only, registration is Php 5,950. Three (3) months terms 

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